The continuous deterioration of news dissemination and poor news management among residents and stakeholders in communities across Lagos-Nigeria, and Africa has necessitated the need to introduce Grassroots Media Academy (GMA), in communities across Lagos State, and Africa.

GMA offers courses ranging from Basic News Reporting (BNR), News Headline Management (NHM), News Dissemination, Communal Relations, and Engagement (NDCR&E), Social Media Management (SMM), Graphics and Brand Positioning (GBP), Photography, and Cinematography (P&C), News Script & Presentation (NS&P), Voice-Over and Broadcast Techniques (VO&BT), News Documentaries and Social Documentaries (ND&SD), Communal Orientation Project (COP), History and National Development (HND), and Communal Media Orientation (CMO).

This academy will focus on teenagers in secondary schools and young adults who have a passion for New Media through the use of modern technology and various online social media platforms.

The core objectives of GMA are to orientate communities on news objectivity, facts, and the ability to identify the three Rs (Race, Region and Religion) in News dissemination and assimilation inside Lagos-Nigeria, and Africa.


Duration of Study

15 + 1 =